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- Marathon Video Game For Mac
Marathon Infinity for Mac is included in Games. This free software for Mac OS X was originally created by bungie. The most popular version of the software is 1.0. Nov 29, 2018 I've got them all, so I am giving myself a marathon of the Awakening games. I've played this series for years and have enjoyed the fairy-tale story and the challenge the game presents. The scenery is visually enticing and inviting. The music and ambient sounds are pleasant to the ear. The HOS are beautifully done: Challenging but not cluttered.
Aleph One is the open source continuation of Bungie's Marathon 2 game engine. Available for Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux, Aleph One supports Marathon, Marathon 2 and Marathon Infinity natively. Many third party scenarios and net maps are also available. Aleph One is available under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL). Bungie 's Marathon series of three dimensional, first person shooters has long enjoyed success in the Macintosh world. The release of Marathon in Christmas 94 was revolutionary in the Mac gaming community, and was followed up by an equally successful sequel in 1995. Marathon by Bungie is the most awesome first-person, 3D shoot 'em up (the aliens) game for the mac period. With good graphics and the ability to replace any figure with anything you like, Marathon slaughters the miniscule competion with ease.
Aleph One is the open source continuation of Bungie's Marathon 2 game engine. Available for Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux, Aleph One supports Marathon, Marathon 2 and Marathon Infinity natively. Many third party scenarios and net maps are also available.
Aleph One is available under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL).
Marathon is a fight for survival against the Pfhor, an alien race attacking your colony ship.
Story fans: Follow the Marathon trilogy from the start.
In Marathon 2: Durandal, you and other survivors hunt for an ancient ally to topple the Pfhor empire.
Marathon Game For Android
Solo play:Marathon 2 has a popular single player campaign and updated graphics from the XBLA remake.
Marathon Infinity forces you to rewrite history to prevent the destruction of the universe.
Online play: Most multiplayer online matches are played with Infinity.
Up to 8 players can participate in multiplayer matches or co-op play. All multiplayer games are peer-to-peer and work over a LAN or, if the host is configured properly, over the Internet. You can find and chat with other players in Aleph One's global matchmaking lobby.
If you sign up for an optional lhowon.org account, you can track your play history and compete for a spot on the monthly leaderboards.
The Aleph One game engine powers dozens of community-made games, from new levels to total conversions. Experience new weapons, monsters, and storylines set inside and outside the Marathon universe. Check out some of the most popular scenarios, and download the Aleph One engine to play them.
alephone.lhowon.org is hosted by lhowon.org and mirrored at aleph-one-marathon.github.io
Marathon Cheat Codes
Cheaters don't really win,
and winners don't really cheat,
Unless you're talking politics.
Cheat Codes in Marathon? This is what Jason Jones (Lead Programmer at Bungie Software) hadto say about cheat codes in Marathon in an early Inside Mac Games interview with Tuncer Deniz:
There are no secret codes in Marathon. Why? Well, for example, if you're stuck on G4 Sunbathingand you're trying to find the switch to get off the level and if you know you can just typecontrol-aslag three times to get 3 times health and get the RocketLauncher, it becomes really tempting to do that everytime. Marathon actually hasbuilt-in cheating, you can always switch thedifficulty levels.
In a later interview with Tuncer Deniz when asked the same question Jason Jones replied:
You mean you haven't found them yet? OK, OK. One problem was that most of our beta testerswere using them to cheat during their walk-throughs of the game, which obviously wasn'tvery good testing. But I also wanted to make the game challenging and notprovide players with an easy way out of a difficult situation. I knew cheater programswould be all over the Internet the dayMarathon shipped, but running an application to modify your saved-game file is differentthan just typing 'GOPOSTAL' orsomething during the game and getting a billion health and 65,535 rockets. Honestly, though,Marathon does have built-in cheatcodes: the difficulty levels. Playing on the 'Kindergarten' level is really easy, but I betvery few people can win the game on TotalCarnage (and I'd like to play a few network games with the people that can).
OK so what were the original Marathon ßeta cheat codes before they were removed?
Marathon ßeta Cheat Codes
To impliment these codes it was necessary to hold down the control (ctrl) keywhile typing the words in as capitals.
HEALTH - Gave the player 1X shields.
RIFLE - Gave the player the MA-75 Assault Rifle.
FATMAN - Gave the player the SPNKR-X17 SSM Launcher.
TOASTER - Gave the player the Tozt-7 Flame Unit.
PZBXAY - Gave the player the alien weapon.
ASLAG - Gave the player the SPNKR-X17 SSM Launcher (+ 2 additional rockets) and the MA-75(+ 3 additional MA-75 clips and 3 additional MA-75 grenade clips). Also gave theplayer 2X shields though this didn't show up in the shield level indicator.
AMMO - Gave the player an additional clip/charge for every weapon in theirinventory apart from the Fusion Pistol. A maximum of ten clips/charges could beobtained at any one time with this cheat. When used with the alien weapon'Alien Weapon Magazines' where obtained.
HAVESOME - Gave the player the Super Shields (Invincibility) power-up.
ISEEYOU - Gave the player the Hypervision power-up.
FISHEYE - Gave the player the Extravision power-up.
BYE - Gave the player the Transparency (Invisibility) power-up.
LEVEL - Allowed the player to jump immediately tothe next level. All weapons were carried forward though strangely devoid of any loadedammo. Thus it was necessary to reload onarriving. Fortunately additional ammo in the player's inventory was carried forward.
MAP - Allowed aliens to be seen in map mode even when outside the range of the automappedterrain. Below is a screenshot from the start of Arrival. Red squares are Pfhor. Note in the ßeta therewas no Pfhor in the room to the left
In addition objects (weapons and ammo) showed up as white squares on the map. The fun aspect of this feature was that Blue Pfhor Fighter and S'pht (Compiler) bolts could be seen in map mode which meant that you could basically play the Marathon beta all frommap mode if you so wished. This feature could be toggled on or off.
Below is a screenshot of the MAP cheat code in operation. Red squares are Pfhor.Yellow squares represent Pfhor bolts. White squares are weapons and ammo. The player isin trouble... oouch!
Marathon ßeta Game Mode Codes. Unlike the above codes these gave the player no real advantage.
BOB - Allowed the walking (bobbing) motion of the player to be turned off.
PATHWAYS - Speeded up player and alienmovements. Similar to TURBO mode in Pathways Into Darkness but unlike Pathways soundswere not speeded up.
Marathon ßeta Codes that had an unclear purpose.
PISTOL - Unclear. Did not give the player a second pistol. As the player already startedout with a pistol the function of this code was unknown.
OXYGEN - Unclear. Presumed to give you 100% oxygen but as none of the beta levels requiredthe use of oxygen the indicator never dropped below 100%.
VIEW - Unclear. Listed amongst the cheat codes but didn't appear to do anything when typed.
OK so where there ANY cheat codes left in Marathon?
Marathon Video Game Download
Yes! Jason Jones mentioned one in an Inside Mac Games (IMG) interview in 1995, Jason admitted:
Jones: There is one bug in the game which is kind of a secret Vid-Master cheat that youcan even use in the game network game. It was just an oversight.
IMG: So what's the cheat?
Jones: I'm not going to tell you (laughing), because you (pointing to me) can use it in thenetwork game.
Well was it ever found? Not clear. There is a cheat in Marathon though whether it is ofany use in net games is debateable. By holding down the fire key and tapping next andprevious weapon keys VERY quickly (note the emphasis on very) it is possible topunch very fast or empty an entire clip nearly all at once. It's not easy to get rightbut it does work.
Steve Wood writes:
I verified at MacWorld that the cheat that Jason Jones was talking about in the interviewwas the empty-the-clip cheat. He said 'it basically lets you empty your clip in one second'.
Steve actually posted to comp.sys.mac.games.action about this way back in August '95.Kinda got lost in the mists of time but a quick search in the Story archives found thetru7h:
Jimmy Mitchell writes:
That 'cheat' rules! Oh man, this I can use---serious carnage....notreally that tough either, although admittingly if you screw up you're introuble. Very cool. A must-know thing for a Vidmaster. I've attacheda short demo film of the 'Superfist and Rapid-fire magnum' techniques ifyou think it's cool enough to add to the Cheat Codes page then pleasedo. :)BTW interesting to note this 'cheat' works in M1 only.
You can get Jimmy's film here.
Jimmy Mitchell sends in another film with thecheat code shown. This is a net film. You can get it here.Watch as Jimmy cheats his way to victory. But remember what they say folks:cheaters don't really win, and winners don't really cheat... ;-)
There are a number of 'undocumented' keyboard commands in Marathon but these can hardly be describedas cheat codes. These work in all three Marathon games unless stated otherwise.
Holding down the command-option keys as you click on begin new gameallows you choose any level to start out from. This is the Vidmasters' way to play Marathon.You start out with only one pistol, 3 rounds of ammo, and 1X shields on each level.
In the Windows 95 version of Marathon 2 the key combination to start any level is alt-escwhile you choose begin new game.
shift-F9 sets the Marathon keyboard preferences to theirdefault setting. Handy if you use the default settings and play on different computers.Only works with Marathon 2 and Marathon Infinity.
shift-F10 sets turbo mode in Marathon Infinity. Speeds upthe game (player, aliens, sounds, etc) to 'ludicrous' speed. Similar to the TURBO modein Pathways Into Darkness. Only works in Marathon Infinity.
? displays the frame rates for Marathon. Rates are displayedas frames per second (fps). Doesn't work with the earlyversions of Marathon (v1.0 and v1.1). However it's unlikely that anybody is playing with theseversions.
% *before* hitting command-shift-3allows the standard screen capture combination to work.
Further interesting undocumented (secret) stuff. Forrest Cameranesi writes:
...you don't have a certain two 'undocumented keystrokes' onthe Cheat Codes page. The first one is either double-tapping run, ordouble-tapping control. Not sure which because control is my run key. What itdoes is the same as the action key, but simpler since you've already got'run' down, simple lift and then hold it again, and the machine recognisesthat as a double-tap. I rarely ever use my action key any more, I've assignedit to 'delete' just so It'll be out of the way. I just double-tap control.The second one is more of an oddity than a constant thing. Sometimes, if I'mtrying to scroll through a term really quick, by hitting return a lot, assoon as I exit the term it shoots (and Space is my trigger key). It doesn'tshoot by double-tapping return in the game, though, so it's kind odd.
Aaron Freed writes:
An 'undocumented feature' that isn't noted on the cheat codes page is theCommand-Option Gather Network Game shortcut. This will allow you to play anylevel on any mode.
Aaron Freed points out that the undocumented 2nd triggerfunction of the alien weapon in Marathon 2 and Infinity is also not mentioned here. When Marathon 2 was released the 2nd trigger allowed the new alien weapon to fireat two additional angles giving it a three way spread. Although ammo hungry thisfeature can be put to devastating use at close to medium range.This undocumented featured remained in Infinity and an official Marathon screenshoteven shows it in action.
Michael Trinder writes:
It seems that internally Marathon uses a 32bit value to represent what eachplayer is doing at any one moment. The keyboard layout tables not only listthe key to be pressed for each action, but a second number which is theinternal 'action code' for that action. Put more simply, the first item inthe list (move forward) has the number 91 (which is 8 on the numerickeypad) followed by 0x00008000 which is the action code for Forward. Eachaction is translated into a different bit in the 32bit value, so they canbe added together to represent several things being done at once.
Marathon can therefore represent 32 different actions. But there are only21 keys - what you may ask do the other 11 actions do?
Well, most seem to do nothing at all (unfortunately) but 4 are quiteinteresting.The first, 0x00000100, looks down very rapidly - almost immediately you arelooking at the floor. The next, 0x0004000, backs up a little faster thannormal (well at least that is what it feels like - I haven't tested thistoo well). But the last two are quite wonderful. Action code 0x00000001causes the player to spin around on the spot three to five times. This istotally useless, but great fun. Action code 0xFFFFFFFF (setting everyaction to take place at once) causes the player to explode - equallyuseless and equally fun.
Since these are part of the engine, they will work in network games even ifyou only modify _your_ copy of the application. This is a great way tocheat:) You can set one key to do lots of things at once - try a 'backupquickly and fire both triggers' key for the ultimate cowards 'heeellllpp'button.
The more important upshot of this is that there is NO duck or jump key inthere. You'd need to recode the app to do it.
No DUCK key?!!! ;-)
Mike replies:
I didn't say there wasn't a way to duck - just that I can't find an actioncode that triggers it :)
Concerning the exploda-key Mike writes:
...it does no damage to anyone else as far as I can see. Not been ableto test to see what it looks like to others, but for a single player youget a big white flash and then spash to the ground.
Michael Park writes:
Marathon Game For Mac Free
I've got an addition for the Cheat Codes page. A verysmall one.The 'cheat' that allows you to fire weapons at anextremely fast rate can also be used to shorten thetime it takes to reload weapons (very handy in networkplay). Fire a weapon until you empty your clip, waita split second during the reload animation and thenexecute the aforemented cheat demonstrated by JimmyMitchell's film.
I've also included my own film to show how this cheatworks. Uses the exact same concept as the'empty-your-clip-in-a-second' cheat. Total Carnage,of course.
Yes, I'm a keyboarder.
You can see Michael's film here.
Oh dear the Cheat Codes page has been revealed on the Marathon Central forums. Here's the 'Spazeroid'! ;-)
Wednesday, 14 February 2001, at 8:50 p.m.
Mac Championship 2020 Tickets
In response to Dang these secret pages
>All I want is the cheat codes!
Here is the Marathon's Story 'cheat code page' link:
I'm afraid you may be in for some disappointment.
Who needs cheat codes anyway? If you're good enough you don't need 'em and if you want to cheat in style you'd just use a PM editor.
Go Back to Marathon's Story Home Page
Page maintained by Hamish SinclairMarathon Video Game For Mac
Hamish.Sinclair123@gmail.comPage created May 2, 1997
Last updated Feb 15, 2001